Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Women of Afghanistan

      During the period of the Taliban regime starting in 1996, the women of Afghanistan where majorly oppressed. Their government system has kicked all women political figures out of office, even though women had made up the majority of the Governing Grand Council. All women where required to wear to wear burqas, and where not allowed to leave the house without the company of their husband. Afghan women where not permitted to work, or even attend school. According to Mary Akrami who was interviewed in the article The Forgotten Women written by Christina Lamb she says "women could be beaten or jailed for wear nail polish or lipstick, and the shapeless blue Burqas they where forced to wear became synonymous with women's repression."



      The women of present day Afghanistan have been liberated by western powers such as the united states of America. September 10, 2001 President Bush declares war on terrorism. During this time the main suspect of terrorism in the world was the Taliban, also recognized as the Afghanistan government at this time. After USA troops where deployed it only took four month till the united states was able to topple the Taliban regime. After the war, aid from foreign countries such as China and the US was used to set up women's rights institutes around Afghanistan so that the women in this area can remain educated, healthy, and safer.

 LAMB, CHRISTINA. "The Forgotten Women." Newsweek Global 164.12 (2015): 12-16. Business Source Elite. Web. 28 Sept. 2016.

Warner, Mary Beth. "Beyond The Burqas." National Journal 34.7 (2002): 464. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Sept. 2016.

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